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IELTS Agree or Disagree Essay : Format and Sample Essays

Updated on 09 August, 2024

Curious to know how to tackle the IELTS Agree or Disagree essays? This essay type is your chance to express your thought process clearly in front of the examiner. Remember to substantiate your arguments with compelling facts to make them more reliable. 

Whether you aim for a high IELTS score or simply seek to better understand different essay types, knowing how to approach it is essential. Read on to explore the IELTS Agree or Disagree essays samples and best techniques to master this essay type.

IELTS Writing Task 2 Format

Writing a compelling essay on the given topic is crucial for IELTS Writing Task 2. The approach and format depend on the question type presented. I have conducted in-depth research on the various question types, their structures, and strategies for tackling them effectively. Let us briefly look at different types of IELTS essays with their formats.

Opinion Questions (Agree or Disagree)

Opinion questions ask you to express your viewpoints on a given topic or statement. You will be presented with someone’s statement or opinion, where you have to agree or disagree with it. The opinion is usually flawed or extreme. 

Essay format example: Is digital learning in schools beneficial for students?

  • Introduction:  Write your introduction in two sentences. In the first sentence, paraphrase the question/ statement. In the second sentence, convey your opinion (whether you agree or disagree), outlining the primary idea.
  • Main body paragraph 1: In this section, the first sentence should contain the primary idea of the whole paragraph. Use words like “first of all” or “first” to introduce the main reasons and explain them with an example 
  • Main body paragraph 2: In the second main paragraph, you can explain the other reasons why you agree/ disagree with the given statement. While explaining the points, make sure to support them with relevant examples.
  • Conclusion: Recap the major points and reiterate your opinion. It should be a short summary of your thoughts, comprising the entire essay.

Advantages and Disadvantages Questions

In this essay type, you have to evaluate both the benefits and drawbacks of a specific situation or topic. However, you shouldn't express your own opinion. It should be in an informative format where you discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

Essay format example: What are the pros and cons of remote work for employees?

  • Introduction: The introduction section should have a simple two or three-part structure. Begin by paraphrasing the question/ statement. Then add a statement where you can outline the main points. 
  • Main body paragraph 1: The section should summarize the main of the paragraph. Maintain a clear development of ideas throughout the section. Present a detailed view from one perspective, giving reasons for/against it with an example.
  • Main body paragraph 2:  Similar to the previous section, write the topic sentence and summarize the main idea. State the opposing viewpoint with a detailed discussion and a relevant example.
  • Conclusion: Wrap up the discussion with your preferred perspective on the topic. It should only include the main points from your essay and never introduce any new ideas.

Discussion Questions

This essay format requires you to explore your views on multiple perspectives on a given topic. Generally, the statement will present two sides of the same issue, or it might be two separate issues that you have to discuss.

Essay format example: Should the government emphasize economic growth over environmental preservation?

  • Introduction: In the first sentence of the introduction, paraphrase the given question/statement. Then add an outline statement where you encompass the two main points you will discuss in the essay.
  • Main body paragraph 1: The first main body paragraph should summarize the main idea, with your ideas flowing logically. Next, write an explanation sentence and add an example to support the main point.
  • Main body paragraph 2: In the second main body paragraph, mention the topic sentence to summarize the main idea. Then explain the topic and support the statement with an example.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the major benefits and drawbacks discussed. The section should clearly state your opinion with the key points.

What is IELTS Agree Disagree Essay

An IELTS agree or disagree essay structure requires you to express your agreement or disagreement with a given statement. In this type of essay, you will be provided with 40 minutes to write a minimum of 250-word essay. The key to writing an effective agree disagree essay in IELTS format is to present your opinion concisely while supporting your decision with well-developed argumentative points. 

Typical assessments used in the prompts include:

  • What is your opinion?
  • Do you agree/disagree?
  • To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is important to provide relevant evidence and examples in your essay structure to strengthen your opinion and counter any potential opposing viewpoints. The choice of agreement or disagreement must be made carefully.

IELTS Agree Disagree Essay Format: In-Depth Analysis

When it comes to the IELTS examination, I have always found the agree or disagree essay structure to be paramount since it is one of the most common IELTS Writing Task 2 question types. With proper planning and continuous practice, aspirants can write a clear and structured essay that will be easily understood by the examiner. 

Here is an overview of the IELTS Agree/Disagree essay format to help you effectively craft them.

Format Heads

What it Includes


  • Paraphrasing the given question
  • State your opinion
  • Thesis statement

Main paragraph 1

  • Primary idea or agreeing statement
  • Explain the primary idea
  • Illustrate with examples.

Main Paragraph 2

Same as Main paragraph 1.


Summarize your opinion precisely.


To start the agree disagree essay structure, you should paraphrase the given question in the first sentence. Next, state your opinion about the topic. Lastly, mention what you will explain in the upcoming paragraphs.

Main Body 1

In the second paragraph, explain the central idea in the first sentence. Then, explain the idea in detail, assuming the reader has no prior knowledge of the topic. Illustrate an example to support your idea. Lastly, you can mention an opposing viewpoint in a positive way.

Main body 2

The third paragraph in the agree or disagree essay format is similar to the one prior to it. It should comprise your main idea, supporting reasons, and relevant examples as evidence to prove your point of view.


In the final paragraph, summarize the essay concisely. Reiterate your opinion.

Sample 1

Earning a high salary is better than being satisfied with your job.

Do you agree or disagree? 


Many people believe that having a big salary package is more important and gratifying ob satisfaction. However I strongly disagree with the statement. 

What do we understand by job satisfaction? It is a sense of contentment or fulfillment with the job. It involves not just financial but several other considerations. People experience job satisfaction when they are happy with their working environments. 

They, feel motivated when they have supportive colleagues and managers and enjoy the projects assigned to them. They feel satisfied when they are contributing actively towards the progress of the organization while being entrusted with responsibility feel satisfied when they have more opportunities for growth, advancement, and learning along with supportive employers who listen to their needs and help them achieve work-life balance as well. 

Multiple considerations go into creating what we call job satisfaction. It is not just the financial rewards that motivate people to step up, take responsibility, and assume ownership for organizational tasks, projects, and assignments. A relative of mine opted for a low-paying entry-level position at a financial services firm. Everyone ticked him off for not applying to bigger firms that were showing interest in hiring him at higher salaries. 

However, he stuck to his guns, stating that the smaller firm gave him more responsibility and ownership for projects, along with sizably more freedom to experiment, take risks, and grow. Today, after dedicating himself to the lower salary, he is the managing director of the organization and has taken it to unimaginable heights in a shorter period.

People are naturally motivated to automatically perform better and strive for excellence when they experience overall satisfaction and fulfillment. Simply paying someone a high salary and then expecting the individual to blaze a trail does not work all the time. 

To conclude, I believe job satisfaction is more important than earning a big package. People need intrinsic motivation to succeed and stay committed to any cause. Financial rewards are a vital but small piece of the entire pie.

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Sample 2

There should be exemplary punishment for fast food companies selling unhealthy items to citizens.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


There is a growing wave of support for punishing fast-food companies that sell unhealthy food to citizens. I partially agree with this statement. 

The definition of unhealthy food is highly subjective, i.e., the exact percentage of unhealthy oils, nutrients deficiencies, harmful elements, and more. There is no uniform definition of these parameters that street food vendors must adhere to. When the government and authorities do not have uniform classification standards or uniformity in exceptions, then arbitrarily punishing food vendors and fast-food companies who sell to citizens will not set the right example in my opinion. Fast food companies are driven by market sentiments and consumers desire particular types of food which these companies manufacture. 

At this point, there are licensing and regulatory procedures that all these companies follow before packaging and selling their products. The gap in inspection and quality assessment is to blame for unhealthy food items still being a concern. While I do agree that action should be some form of action taken against fast food companies that do not adhere to regulations or knowingly sell unhealthy food items which have drastic public consequences, I believe it is the authorities who must set the precedent first.

Uniform measures for inspection and quality assessment aside, there should be established standards for people to see and judge. The action in this part should first start with the authorities as I mentioned earlier. I believe that simply punishing fast food companies would be a draconian move, putting several beloved brands out of business and creating uncertainties for thousands of individuals employed with these organizations.

Such moves will also lead to economic fluctuations, causing graver crises than what the world can handle at this juncture. Instead, I advocate a solution where the authorities come forward to define every type of fast food item being sold, analyze, and assess the minimum standards, and set fixed penalties for not adhering to the same. 

To conclude, I will state that simply punishing the fast food companies will put a lid on the gaping holes created due to administrative apathy or negligence. Fixing this part of the process will automatically clean up the entire sector.

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Crafting a compelling agree or disagree essay is simple if you follow the right approach and tactics. Remember, each essay type in the IELTS requires a unique strategy. For an agree or disagree essay, focus on providing well-developed arguments and clear information. Supporting your answer with facts and properly structuring the information can significantly impact your band score. 

With regular practice, you can aim to score as high as band 9 in IELTS Writing, and take a step toward your bright future.


What is the structure of an agree or disagree essay?

The body of the IELTS agree or disagree essay structure typically includes two major paragraphs apart from the introduction and conclusion, which vary under three conditions:

  • When you completely agree, the first paragraph should state why you agree with the statement. The second paragraph should include other reasons why you agree.
  • If you completely disagree, the first paragraph should state the major reason for your decision, while the second paragraph should provide supporting reasons.
  • When you partially agree, the first paragraph should state why you agree with the statement, while the second paragraph should include reasons that do not support the statement.

How do you say you agree and disagree in an essay?

In the IELTS essay structure, you can either fully agree, fully disagree, or partially agree and disagree with the given statement. If you want to agree and disagreement in an essay, you can write in the following ways: 

  • Though I agree with (statement) to some extent, I do not accept the overall conclusion that (statement).
  • Despite disagreeing with (statement), I endorse the conclusion that (statement).

What is the statement of the agree or disagree essay?

The agree or disagree essay format in IELTS requires you to decide whether you agree or disagree with the given statement. Unlike other questions that ask to what extent you agree or disagree, this type requires a precise opinion. After deciding your stance, you must generate a few supporting points.

How to write an agree/disagree essay in IELTS?

Below are the steps you must keep in mind to follow the agree or disagree essay IELTS format.

  • Read the question thoroughly and ensure you understand it.
  • Decide whether you agree or disagree with the statement.
  • Brainstorm ideas before writing.
  • Convey your opinion in the introduction.
  • Craft four paragraphs in logical order.
  • Extend and develop ideas with reasons and examples.
  • Conclude with a brief summary.

Is an Opinion essay the same as an Agree or Disagree essay?

Yes, the opinion essay is the same as the agree/disagree essay in the IELTS exam. They are also known as argumentative essays. In this essay type, the first part of the question will be a statement, which is followed by a prompt where you have to give your final opinion.

Keshav Garg

Keshav is a budding content strategist with a keen interest in technology and education. He excels in producing engaging content and developing effective strategies. His knack for crafting compelling content brings fresh perspectives and a genuine eagerness to make a meaningful impact in every project he undertakes.

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