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Describe A Competition You Would Like To Take Part In IELTS Cue Card
Updated on 08 May, 2023
In the IELTS Speaking Test, cue cards play a critical role in evaluating a candidate's ability to express their ideas cohesively and fluently. Excelling at the cue card task can have a significant impact on a candidate's overall Speaking Test score, which is vital for achieving a desirable IELTS score.
One of the most common prompts given in the IELTS Speaking Test is the "Describe a competition you would like to take part in IELTS Cue Card." After receiving the cue card, the candidate is given one to two minutes to discuss the topic and may take notes to help structure their response.
Table of Contents
To provide an idea of the sequence, a possible order of the response is given below.
What is the nature of the competition?
What would you do if you were in this competition?
Why are you interested in this competition?
Describe A Competition You Would Like To Take Part In IELTS Cue Card
Sample 1.
Describe a competition you would like to take part in IELTS Cue Card are mentioned here. Below are 2 samples of how to answer them.
Introduction: I used to compete in a variety of sports when I was in school. But today I'd like to tell you about a competition in which I've always been a spectator and would like to compete. The competition in question is a drawing contest. My hometown hosts an art and craft show every year.
What is the nature of the competition: The competition in question is a drawing contest. My hometown hosts an art and craft show every year. The local Club organized this in December. Other competitions included mono-acting, poetry recitation, flower arranging, salad decoration, and painting.
What would you do if you were in this competition: For me, taking part in a drawing competition would be an exciting experience. If I were entering a drawing contest, I would first choose a unique and creative topic. Then I'd try to practice and improve my skills by watching online tutorials and observing the work of other artists. Finally, I would make every effort to create a masterpiece that stands out from the crowd.
Why are you interested in this competition: My favorite hobbies are drawing and painting. So I'd like to enter a drawing contest to demonstrate my skills. Because the organizers will provide everything, all I have to do is focus on expressing my creativity through sketches.
Sample 2.
Introduction: In school, we discover who we are and what skills we have. Competition inspires people to provide their best effort. Art, sports, debates, dance, and competitions are frequently held in schools.
What is the nature of the competition: Students from different academic fields compete in a debating competition held at my university each year. Participants in this competition discuss pressing global issues and propose proposals and solutions for their resolution. It's a fascinating competition.
What would you do if you were in this competition: I would emphasize the value of prompt medical attention and various health issues if I were to compete in this competition. Since the beginning of this year, I have been reading a great deal about these subjects, therefore I am sure that I can offer insightful opinions. I would go to a nearby cybercafé or a library to access pertinent resources and data to conduct additional research and gather more evidence for my claim.
Why are you interested in this competition: At my university, this competition is highly regarded and honored. The winner of this discussion will get a cash award and recognition from the university. And the main advantage of this competition is that competitors develop their public speaking confidence, which enhances their interpersonal abilities
Describe A Competition You Would Like To Take Part In IELTS Cue Card Follow Up Questions
During the IELTS Speaking Test Part 3, the examiner will ask a series of follow-up questions about the topic introduced in Part 2. The subject here is to Talk about a TV Show you Like to Watch IELTS Cue Card
Q1.What professions or fields of labor shouldn't be competitive?
A1.Because they involve saving people's lives, I think professions that are incredibly vital, like those of a doctor or medical professional, shouldn't be competitive. Any competition in such circumstances could put someone's life in jeopardy.
Q2.How can you outperform your rivals?
A2.I always go above and beyond the call of duty in order to keep one step ahead of my rivals. First and foremost, I keep an eye on how I'm doing and work hard to get better every day.
Q3.Is having a competitive spirit necessary in life?
A3.Being competitive is essential in life. because you have to leave your comfort zone to do it. We are inspired to develop our abilities and discover new areas of interest by a sense of internal rivalry.
Q4.Do you believe that workplace competition is important?
A4.In my opinion, healthy rivalry is crucial in all spheres of life, including the workplace. When there is no competition, things can occasionally start to get dull and monotonous. Therefore, competition encourages growth and brings out the best in people.
Q5.What advantages come with working in a non-competitive industry?
A5.The benefits of working in a non-competitive field are numerous. For example, you don't have to keep your attention fixed on your opponent's moves all the time, so you lead a stress-free existence. Additionally, there is a huge profit potential because you may simply guide your company to extraordinary growth.
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