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Importance of Vocabulary In IELTS

Updated on 15 May, 2023

Mrinal Mandal

Mrinal Mandal

Study Abroad Expert

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Are you planning to take up IELTS? This article will help you walk through the vital aspects of vocabulary along with tips to crack IELTS exam. Read to know more.

Importance of Vocabulary in IELTS

Love it or hate it- great vocabulary always turns heads!

For example, take the previous sentence. We could have also said, 'Good vocabulary helps capture the attention of your listeners,' but it does not sound attractive or proficient. 

In the same way, a robust grasp of vocabulary is critical when you are undertaking language proficiency tests like IELTS©. It is a major assessment parameter in the speaking and writing sections of the exam and also helps you sound fluent and proficient.

In this blog, we'll walk you through the importance of vocabulary and how you can improve it to get top band scores. 

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Importance of Vocabulary in IELTS: Top 5 Reasons

David Wilkins, a British linguist, rightly states, "Without grammar, very little can be conveyed; without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed'. Never underestimate the importance of vocabulary. It aids in conveying ideas, expanding knowledge, and expressing opinions! Here are five ways how vocabulary helps us.

  • It improves reading ability- Studies state that a child's vocabulary at 24 months is linked to his/her cognitive and language development at later stages. Even in adults, a good vocabulary will aid in understanding topics and related subject areas easily. 
  • Hones your communication skills- Successful communication happens when you can express what you mean in the easiest way possible so that the other party understands. People with large vocabulary communicate more effectively as they choose words that will be understood by their audience.
  • It can build self-confidence- As previously iterated, knowing more words means that you can understand more texts. You can see different sides of an argument, understand literal and implicit meanings behind phrases, and more. All this will help you be more confident in your abilities! 
  • It helps you become a better leader, giving you more occupational stability- A leader's job role is to delegate work and ensure that it is understood by the subordinate. Great workplace communication will help you take charge and solve matters, a hallmark of a true leader!
  • It shapes your identity- In this era of representation, it is important to express your thoughts and feelings clearly without being misjudged. Thus, the way you communicate with others shapes your identity.

The importance of vocabulary is seen across diverse arenas. It aids in holistic success and enables us to function collectively.


Important Vocabulary for IELTS- How It Affects Your Score?

IELTS is a language proficiency test undertaken by students wishing to study or work in English-speaking countries. It is divided into four sections: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, with scores ranging from 0-9. 

You have to go through multiple resources, such as Barron's GRE vocabulary list and Magoosh vocabulary, to build a repository for important vocabulary for IELTS. It contains a list of words that are mainly used in academic texts. They account for most of the words found in IELTS Academic question papers. This will help you articulate your thoughts and convey them effectively. It will also help you comprehend spoken and written English nuances and hold conversations like a pro!

An interesting fact- the average native English speaker knows approximately 25-30,000 words! Thus, the more you write and sound like a native, the higher your chances of scoring a nine-band grade. The best way to do so is by improving your vocab knowledge. That is why the IELTS examination tests your knowledge of the English lexicon. 

Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary for IELTS

Now that you know the importance of vocabulary, we'll help you work on improving it! Some general pointers include:

  • Cultivate a reading habit.
  • Talk to your peers in English and improve your communication skills.
  • Listen to TED Talks and watch English movies and TV shows to understand how locals talk and improve enunciation. 
  • Playing Games, quizzes, and puzzles in English are also a fun way to expand your word knowledge.

We've elaborated on some tips focusing on specific sections of the IELTS exam. Incorporate them into your prep routine and notice the difference! 

Importance of Vocabulary in IELTS Writing and Reading Test

Practice paraphrasing. It is the art of using synonyms and antonyms to convey the same meaning differently. This can be done by actively outlining writing prompts and answering questions. 

Learn about collocation. It is a natural combination of words commonly used to improve vocabulary. For instance, using 'pitch dark' instead of very dark. Go through common collocations and use them when you write essays. 

Using uncommon jargon is also a great way of showing off your vocabulary and earning brownie points. Words like 'flummox' and 'bamboozle' are great synonyms for 'puzzled.' 

Importance of Vocabulary in IELTS Speaking Test

You might have heard native speakers use phrases like 'turn a blind eye' or 'costs an arm and a leg .' These are called idioms, and many 8, and 9-band holders use them naturally in conversations. You can also improve your vocabulary by mastering idioms. Use them in daily conversations to improve flow and proficiency.  

Changing parts of the speech while answering questions is also something that you can practice. For instance, if the question is 'What is your favorite mode of traveling?' you can switch to passive voice by answering, 'Going to places by train is one of my most-preferred ways of commuting .' Many grammar exercises can help you understand the active-passive switch and its conversational usage.

An important factor to note: In the speaking test for IELTS, pronunciation is key! So listen to audiobooks and use the speech feature on Google to know how the word is supposed to be pronounced. If you are not sure of the enunciation, choose a different word. 

Importance of Vocabulary in the IELTS Listening Test

A good vocabulary is essential because only when you understand what is said can you answer the questions given. The best way to prepare for this is by listening to audiobooks and familiarizing yourself with different accents. You can also listen to global radio stations and understand the slang used. 


An improved vocabulary is the best way to boost your IELTS scores. Be prepared with a few unique words/phrases and idioms for common topics like hobbies, environment, movies, technology, health, transport, and sports. This way, you cover all bases and can put your best foot forward! 

The first step to fulfilling your study or working abroad dreams begins with a successful IELTS score. All the best!

Important IELTS Exam Resources

IELTS Exam Overview

IELTS is required to be taken by international students and workers who wish to study or work in a country where English is the primary language of communication. Know the complete details./

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IELTS Exam Syllabus

With the right knowledge of the IELTS exam syllabus and pattern, cracking the popular English test won’t be difficult./

IELTS Syllabus

IELTS Exam Pattern

The IELTS exam pattern encompasses four major sections, i.e. listening, speaking, writing, and reading. /

IELTS Exam Pattern

Mrinal Mandal

Study Abroad Expert

Mrinal Mandal is a study abroad expert with a passion for guiding students towards their international education goals. He holds a degree in mechanical engineering, earned in 2018. Since 2021, Mrinal has been working with upGrad Abroad, where he assists aspiring students in realizing their dreams of studying abroad. With his expertise and dedication, he empowers individuals to navigate the complexities of international education, making their aspirations a reality.

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