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NEET Syllabus: Complete guide for NEET Aspirants

Updated on 15 October, 2023

Kanika Pruthi

Kanika Pruthi

Sr. Content Writer & Study Abroad Expert

NEET Syllabus 2023 - Overview

The NEET syllabus is prescribed by the NTA (National Testing Agency) and finalized by the NMC (National Medical Commission). Candidates should have good knowledge of the four subjects: Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology (the last two are covered in Biology). 

The NEET exam pattern comprises 200 questions, out of which candidates have to attempt 180 in total. You will have 3 hours and 20 minutes to complete the pen and paper-based examination. On that note, here’s taking a closer look at the NEET syllabuses for all the major subjects.

NEET Biology Syllabus 2023

You should know about this segment's NEET biology chapter-wise weightage and key topics. Here is a guide for your perusal below: 

Class XI Class XII
Three Domains of Life Reproduction in Organisms
Cell Structure and Function Biology and Human Welfare
Cell Theory Genetics and Evolution
Photosynthesis Biodiversity and its Conversation
Tissues Biotechnology and its Applications
Plant Cell & Animal Cell Heredity & Variation
Structural Organisation in Animals and Plants Biology and Human Welfare
Morphology & Modifications Principle & Process of Biotechnology
Plant Physiology Ecology and Environment
Diversity in Living World Reproduction
Transport in Plants Organism & Environment
Human Physiology  

Here is a suggested chapter-wise weightage for your perusal: 

Chapter Name Approximate Number of Questions  Weightage (Percent)
Animal Kingdom 2 7
Anatomy of Flowering Plants 0-1 2
Biological Classification 0-1 2
Biomolecules 1 4
Biodiversity and Conservation 1 3
Biotechnology: Principles and Processes 1 3
Body Fluids and Circulation 0-1 1
Breathing and Exchange of Gases 0-1 2
Cell Cycle and Cell Division 0-1 2
Biotechnology and its Applications 1 3
Cell: The Unit of Life, Biomolecules 0-1 2
Chemical Coordination and Integration 1 4
Ecosystem 0-1 2
Environmental Issues 0-1 2
Evolution 0-1 2
Excretory Products and their Elimination 0-1 2
Human Health and Disease 1 3
Digestion and Absorption 1 3
Neural Control and Coordination 0-1 2
Human Reproduction 1 3
Microbes in Human Welfare 0-1 2
Molecular Basis of Inheritance 2 6
Morphology of Flowering Plants 1 5
Mineral Nutrition 0-1 1
Organisms and Populations 0-1 2
Photosynthesis in Higher Plants 0-1 2
Locomotion and Movement 0-1 2
Reproductive Health 0-1 2
Plant Growth and Development 0-1 1
Plant Kingdom 1 4
Principles and Inheritance and Variation 1 5
Reproduction in Organisms 0-1 1
Structural Organisation in Animals 0-1 2
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants 1 5
Transport in Plants 0-1 1
Respiration in Plants 0-1 1
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production 0-1 2
The Living World 0-1 2
Total 90 100

NEET Physics Syllabus 2023

Here is a look at the Physics NEET syllabus, covering both Classes XI and XII: 

Class XI Class XII
Notion of Potential Energy Electric Charges & their Conservation
Physical world and measurement Electrostatics
Nature of Physical Laws Electric Dipole
Speed Carbon Resistors
Velocity Kirchhoff’s Laws & Simple Applications
Laws of Motion AC Generator & Transformer
Static & Kinetic Friction Concept of Magnetic Field
Kinematics Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body Permanent Magnets
Work, Energy and Power Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Kepler’s Law of Planetary Motion Electromagnetic Waves
Heat, Work & Internal Energy Electronic Devices
Behavior of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory Optics
The Universal Law of Gravitation Electromagnetic Spectrum
Oscillations and Waves Conductors
Bulk Modulus Wave Optics
Thermodynamics Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Critical Velocity Atoms and Nuclei
Gravitation Current Electricity
Properties of Bulk Matter Optical Instruments

Here is the suggested chapter-wise weightage for Physics: 

Chapter Name  Approximate Number of Questions  Weightage (Percent)
Atoms 0-1 1.5
Alternating Current 1 4
Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 2 6
Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 1 4.5
Current Electricity 2 8
Electromagnetic induction 1 4
Electromagnetic waves 1 5
Electric Charges and Fields 1 4.5
Mechanical Properties of Fluids 0-1 2
Kinetic Theory 1 3
Laws of Motion 1 3
Gravitation 0-1 2
Magnetism and Matter 1 2.5
Mechanical Properties of Solids 0-1 2
Motion in a Straight Line 0-1 1.5
Moving Charges and Magnetism 1 2.5
Nuclei 0-1 1.5
Motion in a Plane 0-1 1.5
Oscillations 0-1 1.5
Physical World, Units and Measurements 0-1 2
Semiconductor Electronics: Materials, Devices and Simple Circuits 2 6
Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 1 5
System of Particles and Rotational Motion 1 5
Work, Energy and Power 1 4
Waves 0-1 1.5
Thermodynamics 2 9
Wave Optics 1 5
Thermal Properties of Matter 0-1 2
Total 45 100

NEET Chemistry Syllabus 2023

Here is the NEET 2023 syllabus for Chemistry: 

Class XI Class XII
Laws of Chemical Combination Band Theory of Metals
Atomic Number Elevation of Boiling Point
Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry Solid State
Isotopes & Isobars Electro Chemistry
Structure of Atom Solutions
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure Chemical Kinetics
Covalent Bond General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids Electrochemistry
Ionic Bond Surface Chemistry
Thermodynamics p-Block Elements
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties d and f Block Elements
Equilibrium in Physical & Chemical Process Physical & Chemical Properties of Primary Alcohol
Redox Reactions Phenols and Ethers
Electronegativity Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Hydrogen Coordination Compounds
Organic Chemistry-Some Basic Principles and Techniques Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen, Amines, Cyanides & Isocyanides
Physical & Chemical Properties of Water Aldehydes
Equilibrium Alcohols
Hydrocarbons Biomolecules
s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals) Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
Some p-Block Elements Polymers
Environmental Chemistry Chemistry in Everyday Life
Cleansing Agents – Soaps & Detergents  

Here is the suggested chapter-wise weightage: 

Chapter Name Approximate Number of Questions Weightage (Percent)
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers 2 4
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids 2 4
Bio-Molecules 1 3
Chemical Bonding 2 5
Chemical Kinetics 1 3
Chemistry in everyday life 1 2
Coordination Chemistry 4 9
d-and f-block elements 2 4
Electrochemistry 1 2
Environmental Chemistry 1 2
Equilibrium 3 6
Process and principles of isolation of elements  1 2
Halo alkanes and Haloarenes; Amines 1 3
Hydrocarbons 1 3
Hydrogen 1 3
N containing Organic Compounds 1 3
Basic principles and techniques of organic chemistry 1 2
Organic chemistry some basic principles and techniques - 2 1 2
p-block elements(13 14) 2 3.5
p-block elements(15 16 17 18) 2 3.5
Periodic table 1 2
Polymers 1 3
Redox reactions 1 3
s-block elements 1 2
Solutions 2 5
States of Matter 1 2
Structure of Atom 1 2
Surface Chemistry 1 2
The Solid State 1 2
Thermodynamics 4 8
Total 45 100


Signing off, it can be said that the NEET syllabus should be carefully understood and listed down before you begin your preparations. You should cover each and every chapter while taking regular mock tests alongside. With a focused study plan and determination, you will definitely achieve success in this crucial examination.


Is there any syllabus for NEET 2023?

Yes, a NEET 2023 syllabus is finalized by the National Medical Commission (NMC). It contains the core subjects of Physics, Chemistry, and Biology (Botany and Zoology) sub-divided as per Classes XI and XII curricula. 

Is the NEET syllabus reduced for 2023?

The NEET syllabus 2023 is the same as the earlier. If there are any changes for future tests, they will be released officially on the website. 

How to score 700 in NEET 2023 without coaching?

Achieving a high score is possible without coaching, only if you create an effective and smart study blueprint. You should thoroughly cover the whole syllabus while gathering the best study resources and books. You should summarize your studies with revision notes and solve question papers for the previous years. Regular mock tests are also necessary. 

Kanika Pruthi

Sr. Content Writer & Study Abroad Expert

Kanika has 5+ years of experience as a writer and content developer. She has written for a wide range of industry verticals, including hospitality, restaurants, non-profits, finance, IT, HR, technology, payroll, and education. She has worked as a creator for a few leading companies and has also helped brands grow through her creative writing.

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