You have seen that issue tree framework is very effective and helps you to approach the problem in a structured manner. All the domains are covered systematically, and you have a list of hypotheses to test.
However, one issue that you may face is that the issue tree framework requires a thorough knowledge of the firm and the industry. You have to know all the factors that can have an impact. Let's hear from Soudhakar how to overcome this issue.
As mentioned in the video, the issue tree framework can be clubbed with different frameworks to provide a complete view of the problem. Based on the domain of the problem that you want to solve, there are multiple frameworks available to apply. For example, if the company is trying to create awareness in the market, it is a marketing problem. If the company wants to optimise the process of manufacturing, it will be an operations problem. These cases are different in nature and should be handled differently.
Over the years, many individuals have used their expertise and developed various frameworks suitable for their field. Therefore, your job is to find a framework that fits your problem and use it in conjugation with the issue tree to form hypotheses. Therefore, in the next segment, you are provided with multiple frameworks that will be helpful to explore any business problem.