Until now, you have analyzed one variable at a time, i.e. age, marital status etc. In reality, it is possible that a combination of variables affects the propensity of a person to buy a product. For example, it is possible that married and tertiary educated people do not buy many banking products, but unmarried and tertiary educated ones do.
In this segment, you will analyze multiple variables at a time. In the process, you'll learn text functions and a few more techniques to combine variables.
You can now create multiple new variables by combining two or more of the original ones, like marital-housing, gender-age group, loan-month etc. But that would create far too many new variables than you can possibly analyze and make sense out of, and so we should think of better ways to do it?
Excel provides the option of using PIVOT Tables which help perform such aggregation automatically. We will learn more about PIVOT Tables in the next session.