Dual-axis charts: A dual-axis chart is used when the ranges of the quantitative variables differ significantly. In such a bar chart, there are two y-axes, one on each side representing a quantitative variable. The categorical variable is represented on the x-axis.
Heat Maps: Used to plot the variation of one measure against one or two dimensions. The heat maps highlight high and low values out of all the values.
Top N parameters and calculated fields: The top N parameters are a modification to the original parameters. It is generally used to analyze the topmost data values out of a large data set. Calculated fields are used to perform complex calculations on the existing attributes to achieve the required analysis.
Filter actions: Filter actions allow higher levels of visualization interactivity. By selecting a specific category, the dashboard can be filtered to highlight that category. These can be triggered on selection or hovering, depending on your preference.
Dashboards: A dashboard is a collection of multiple sheets arranged in a visually appealing manner. They allow you to visualize and analyze different kinds of data simultaneously.
Storytelling: You learned the following points about stories in Tableau:
A story is a sequence of visualizations that work together to convey information. You can create stories to present a data narrative, provide context, demonstrate how decisions relate to outcomes, or simply make a compelling case.
Stories contain slides where you can add various sheets and dashboards. You can also annotate certain points or areas that you want to highlight.
Since a story is a sheet, the methods that you use to create, name, and manage worksheets and dashboards can be applied to stories as well.
In the next session, you will practice some questions.
You can find the transcriptions to the videos in this session here.