Hopefully, by the end of the last session, you would have installed Tableau in your system. If you have not installed Tableau yet, please do that now. It will be beneficial if you follow the steps along with the adjunct faculty member.
Throughout this module, the adjunct faculty member will use the superstore data attached below. At this point, it is recommended that you download the data set. In the next video, Sean will demonstrate how a data set is attached to a Tableau workbook.
As explained in the video, it is quite easy to attach excel files to Tableau. Not just excel files you can connect CSV files by clicking on a text file and navigating to the text file.
Since we are using Tableau public in this module, there are some limitations to the types of data connections that can be made. Tableau’s desktop version has many different types of connections that can be made.
Before we start making charts in Tableau, let’s familiarize ourselves with the Tableau interface first.
In the next video, Sean will introduce the Tableau environment.
In the video, Sean gave an extensive overview of the Tableau workspace.
Before we start using Tableau to make visualizations, you need to learn about pills in Tableau.