In the earlier segment, you learned that one of the key reasons for using SQLite is that it comes directly installed with Python. In this segment, you will learn how to use the SQLite library to execute SQL codes on Python.
In the next video, Favio will introduce you to the sqlite library.
As we move ahead in the case study, you will later see that we will have to run more advanced queries, which will become quite inconvenient if we use the SQL language. For this, Favio will introduce you to another Python library, known as Pandas, which is one of the most popular libraries used for data analysis.
So, in the video, you learned how to create a connection with the SQLite database and insert data into the database directly from Python. In the next video, you will learn how to connect to an existing database and query data directly from it. Let’s watch the video.
So, in the video, you learned how to connect to an existing database and insert data into the database. In the next video, you will learn how to perform a simple data analysis on an existing SQLite database directly through Python.
So, in the video, you learned how to perform a simple data analysis on an existing SQLite database directly through Python. Recall that in the SQL modules, you had learned how to execute clauses such as “groupby” and “where.” You saw that you can execute all the queries directly on Python without changing the syntax.