In this segment, we are going to look at the second layer of a presentation: Structure. Let's hear about it from Rakesh.
In this video, you learnt about the first element of structuring your presentation: Audience. Let's now move on to the second element.
But before we proceed, can you guess what the second element is?
Well, let's find out now.
In this video, you learnt about the second step towards structuring your presentation: Objective setting.
Let's now hear about the third element from Rakesh.
In this video, you learnt about the third and final step of structuring your presentations: The Message.
While looking at the third step: The message, you also looked at the maths of a presentation and the elements of a good message:
Now that we have understood the steps towards structuring a presentation and the speech, the next thing is to look at the design of a slide.
Let's hear more about this from Rakesh.
In this video, you learnt about the third layer of a presentation: The Design. Here, you also learnt about the concept of a killer slide, wherein a lot of time and effort is spent in creating the most important slide.
In the next segment, you will learn about how to deliver a presentation like a pro.