Now that you have installed Node.js on your computer, let's write some code and explore what you can achieve using Node.
In the last video, you started off with Node. You learnt how you can invoke the REPL environment in which you can execute your Node.js code.
You need to simply write the following command in your Command Prompt or Terminal:
You also learnt how you can evaluate expressions in REPL.
In the next video, you will learn what exactly the REPL is.
In the last video, you learnt the following facts:
1. REPL (Read, Evaluate, Print, Loop) is an interactive environment where you can read input from the user, evaluate it, print the result(s) of the evaluation and loop these three commands until termination.
2. REPL lets you see the results of your input code immediately without going through the compilation phase in the cycle:
code -> compile -> execute
Thus, you can directly execute the code without compiling it.
3. REPL for Node.js comes out-of-the-box with Node.js while installing the latter.