In this segment, you learned that:
“React is JavaScript library for building user-interfaces.”
You also looked at the following facts about React:
React doesn’t demand you to rewrite or ship your existing code in it.
React follows the concept of Virtual DOM, which makes DOM manipulation superfast and easy.
React uses a huge ecosystem of open-source libraries, which can be used to perform relevant tasks.
React follows ECMAScript specification and uses the ES6 edition of this specification, which uses the latest features of JavaScript.
Babel helps in converting the ES6 code into ES5 code and this helps in getting support from a majority of browsers, which do not support ES6 completely and still support ES5.
Bundling is the process that reduces the number of HTTP requests sent by the client to the server.
Minification is the process that helps in the process of shortening file’s contents, resulting in faster response time and lower bandwidth cost.
ESLint is a popular lint used in React, which flags programming errors, poor coding styles, stylistic errors, and bugs.
A Single-Page Application (SPA) works on the browser and does not require a page to be reloaded completely. React helps you build dynamic SPAs.
A Multi-Page Applications (MPA) is an application that consists of multiple pages while embedding links to other pages in it. When moving from one page to another, the browser reloads the contents of the page completely and downloads all the resources again.