Now, you will learn about the fourth W: “when”. This is when a customer actually buys a product, service, or experience offered by you.
In this video, you will learn about the point of purchase.
In this video, you learned about the three forms of purchases:
Offline channels: Also called “brick and mortar” because they have physical locations, e.g., dentistry service
Online channels: Making purchases with a computer or a phone, e.g., Amazon
Omnichannel: A dual mode, wherein an offline as well as an online version is available to buy; e.g., Walmart has both physical stores and online offerings
Let's answer the questions given below.
It is now time to think about the importance of your product to the consumer. Why should they buy your product, and what is the value/significance that you are adding to their lives with your offering? You will learn about the last and the most important W, “why,” in the next segment.