Introduction to NumPy


Welcome to this module on Python Libraries.


In this Module

You will learn about three important and the most popular Python libraries for handling data: NumPy, Matplotlib and Pandas.


This module will teach you the basics of NumPy, which is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python. NumPy consists of a robust data structure called multidimensional arrays. Matplotlib gives you the ability to visualise data using meaningful plots. Pandas is another powerful Python library that provides a fast and easy-to-use data analysis platform.


Important Note:

To enhance the learning outcome, you are expected to take a pause while watching the videos and code along with the instructor. For which, you will be provided with structured and blank Python notebook to code along with the instructor. This is must for you to answer certain in segment questions as it serves the purpose of practice and the final notebook serves the purpose of practice and will act as a reference for you in future as well. Do not expect a complete solution notebook attached at the end of the session or module. 


Prerequisite for this Module

The students are expected to have gone through "Introduction to Python Programming" module before beginning with this module.

In this session

As part of this session, in which you will understand the advantages of using NumPy (over standard Python ways), you will also learn how to::

  • Create NumPy arrays
  • Convert lists and tuples to NumPy arrays
  • Inspect the structure and content of arrays