In the following video, Sonesh will take you through an SEO report from
As Sonesh explained, the main factors to consider in an SEO audit are:
Common SEO issues
Speed optimisation
Server and security
Mobile usability
Advanced SEO
Off-page SEO
You will now learn about these factors in detail as Sonesh guides you through the SEO report in the following video.
As Sonesh took you through the Common SEO Issues, you must have gained an understanding of some or all of the following topics:
Meta title tag and meta description tag:
As explained in the video, these tags let the search engine know what a website is about and provide a brief description of the same. They are displayed on the Search result.
The Search Results Preview shows how your website would appear on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP). You can use it as a reference to fine-tune the first impression that your website creates on a searcher, as well as making it catchy.
Keywords and keyword density:
These help you understand whether you are using the correct keywords in your content or not. The keywords that you have shortlisted should be optimised in this stage, and you should use a decent amount of relevant keywords. However, you should also be careful not to overcrowd your content with these keywords and make them appear like spam.
Although it is not an important factor in SEO now, which it was earlier, it is still a relevant one.
A robots.txt file helps the crawlers in the search engine understand what to crawl and what to avoid. This helps in optimising the crawling process and also ensures that only the right parts of your website are crawled by the search engine.
Sitemaps is a guide to your website, with a list of all the webpages. An updated Sitemap is SEO friendly and it should be updated regularly.
Image Alt tags:
These describe the contents of an image file so that both the crawlers and the person reading/viewing an image know what it is about.
The Google Crawler uses the information mentioned in the Image Alt Tag to display an image in relevant searches. Hence, it should always accompany the images on your web pages.
Deprecated HTML tags:
Deprecated HTML tags are old tags in HTML that have been discarded or changed into newer forms. In time, these tags will stop being recognised and having them in your page code will come up as errors.
Connections to social media:
The audit also checks whether social media is connected to your website. Social signals are a good indicator for Google to show the authenticity of webpages. Hence, it is desirable to link some social media platform to your website.