Machine Learning explores the study and construction of algorithms that can help in mapping the relationship between input and output on the based of historical data. Machine learning models can predict outcomes without being explicitly programmed to do so.
Machine learning has wide applications ranging from customer behavio prediction, medical diagnosis, building recommendation engine, iamge recognition, fraud prevention, portfolio management, self-driving cars, etc
Python is the most used language for Machine Learning as it is simpler and easier to understand when it comes to building complex models.
Using the historical/past data machine learning algorithms can understand the pattern between the input and output. This helps in predicting the output of unseen data on the basis of previous learning. Depending on the complexity of the relationship between the input and the output, the complexity of machine learning algorithms can vary to handle complex problems at hand.
Machine Learning broadly has two divisions: Supervised learning and Unsupervised learning. Supervised learning refers to the area of inferring the pattern from labeled training data. whereas Unsupervised learning deals with unlabeled data.
The program fees for Executive program in Machine learning & AI is INR 2,99,000 (incl. taxes)
Machine learning is one of the most popular career choice in the field of Computer science. Every industry is now leveraging data to help them build strategies and plan for the future. With Machine Learning, you can solve real-life challenges anf provide smart solutions to many.
Our Machine Learning course requires you to have a basic understanding of programming in any language. Although we will be giving you basic programming courses as the preparatory course before starting this program.
Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, Data Analysts, Business Analysts, Data Engineers use Machine Learning concepts in their jobs
You can start your career in machine learning by doing a course in Machine Learning. Once you have a degree or certification, you can apply for Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, Data Analysts, Business Analysts, Data Engineers job roles
We have 1 preparatory course about python and SQL, 5 mandatory courses: Statistics Essentials, Machine Learning-I, Machine Learning-II, Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing. 3 Electives: Advanced Computer Vision with MLops, Advanced NLP with MLOps, AI strategy with MLops 1 Optional Course: Reinforcement Learning
Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, Data Analysts, Business Analysts, Data Engineers
Machine Learning is the future as there are widespread business problems which are being solved by Machine learning. There is tremendous amount of research going in Machine Learning field.
The syllabus includes Statistics Essentials, Machine Learning Algorithms, Deep Learning, Natural Launguage Prorcessing, MLOps. To know more about the course we recommend you to check the brochure provided on the platform.